The Action Potential Machine Trial!

If you have a long term condition, or persistent pain,  you can trial an APS Therapy machine at home for four weeks, for just the cost of batteries, electrodes and shipping : £40.

1) You fill out the safety check form

2) You order your trial machine

3) We contact you to find out what pain or problem you need to treat with the APS Therapy machine

4) We courier an Action Potential Simulation  (APS Therapy) machine to you at home, with a plan for you to follow

5)You get to use the machine for 4 weeks at home

6) We review your experience with you, and you have the option to: 

         Return the machine with no strings attached, 

         Hire a machine for a longer period, or 

         Purchase one of your own.

The APS Therapy machine trial is just £40, equivalent to £10 a week, for up to 28 daily sessions. 

Premium home trial: 4 weeks with teaching & support

1) You fill out the safety check form

2) You order your trial machine

3) We contact you to find out what pain or problem you need to treat with the APS Therapy machine

4) We courier an Action Potential Simulation  (APS Therapy) machine to you at home

5) You are allocated a practitioner who sets up a videocall with you to find out about your problem, make a treatment plan for you, and show you how to use the machine. 

5)You get to use the machine for 4 weeks at home; your practitioiner stays in touch with you to guide and tweak the plan if necessary.

6) We review your experience with you, and you have the option to: 

         Return the machine with no strings attached, 

         Hire a machine for a longer period, or 

         Purchase one of your own.

The premium trial is £95 equivalent to £23 a week, for up to 28 daily sessions, plus videocall, and support. 

Is APS safe for you?

APS Therapy doesn’t work for every pain or everybody, and there are a few conditions where it is not safe to use APS. This is why we have a safety check questionnaire.

It’s NOT safe to use an APS machine if:

  • In the past 3 months, you have had a heart attack, pulmonary  embolus, stroke or DVT
  • You have a heart pacemaker
  • You are pregnant
  • You have epilepsy
  • You have an ongoing solid cancer diagnosis
  • or small children who are too young to say what they feel

Is APS right for you?

APS Therapy microcurrent can be helpful for a wide range of pains and problems. However,

APS Therapy is not likely to help with mechanical back pain      nb ( eg intense spinal pain when bending, or due to herniated disc). Some cases of sciatica have responded well, and some not.

Notes on nerve Nerve pain: We have had good success in many cases with nerve pain caused by MS, brachial neuropathy, and some very successful cases with long-standing trigeminal neuralgia. However, other types of nerve pain/neuropathy, like peripheral neuropathy, small fibre neuropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia or neuropathy due to unknown causes have not had success.

These condtions are not included in the trial, although you can still hire a machine  if you are determined to try, and it may help with sleep or wellbeing. 

injured shoulder

Susan Parker

"it became apparent after the first couple of weeks that my symptoms were improving - and that they continued to improve. My pain was much reduced, as was my tramadol. I was sleeping better because of this and as a consequence my mood and energy were improved also. I was able to drive once more and found day to day tasks much easier."

KNee injury

Rory Marriott, para-athlete

"I have now completed 4 weeks of treatments (2x per week) and for the first time in at least 3 years I am free from Spasticity in my hips. As of last Tuesday I have stopped needing to use my 12 tablets per day of Tizanidine and that was the day after managing 5 miles in the racechair!!"


Liz Godwin

"Within a week of using the APS machine I was headache free.  Four weeks later I can still hardly believe it. It’s been a real life changer!  I even allow myself a chocolate every now and again…AMAZING!"

Questions? Call 01908 799870 or drop us a line here: